Our Mission

“Find your passion and you’ll find your purpose and mission in life”
~ Chris T. Atkinson

We like to refer to Cypress and Spruce as a trifecta of our passions. Our passion for adventure and exploring the world around us! Our passion for health & wellness + abundance, and a desire to share our love for essential oils with everyone we meet! And last of all, but certainly not least, a passion that has been with us for some time and has recently moved us to action! A passion to end human trafficking and modern slavery.

Our mission is clear; we want to raise awareness and funds to support a cause we wholeheartedly believe in! For many years it has been on our hearts to do something. To take action! When you hear of the injustices that occur and the staggering numbers behind them you can’t help but get a fire in your soul! Your heart breaks when you hear of a young child abused in the worst ways possible! If we can raise awareness and shine a light on what is taking place all around us, we know can make a difference. We can spread hope!

Through our company we became aware of the D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation and their partnership with the organization, Hope For Justice. After digging deeper we knew we wanted to contribute financially and otherwise support the amazing things this organization is doing! Here is a brief explanation of their mission.

Mission: To end human trafficking and slavery, in our generation.

With more than 20 million slaves in the world—more than half of which are women and girls—human trafficking is one of the most devastating social issues of our time.

Hope for Justice uses the following four-tiered strategy to bring freedom to the least, the last, and the lost.

1. Train

They train frontline professionals such as the police, care homes, doctors, and outreach programs to identify victims and/or work appropriately with them.

2. Rescue

Their investigators work closely with local police to identify victims of human trafficking, build bridges of trust with them, and remove them from situations of exploitation.

3. Advocate

They secure criminal and civil justice for victims and advocate for access to housing and health services and the cancellation of debts created by traffickers.

4. Restore

They work with victims to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. Their restorative care homes offer tailored programs and they help develop accredited programs too.


In fact, more than 90 percent of victims who go through Hope for Justice’s restorative programs never return to trafficking—that’s the highest percentage among nonprofits battling modern-day slavery.

We believe freedom is worth the fight.

We believe justice is non-negotiable.

We refuse to abandon the least, the last and the lost.

We challenge apathy with action.

We choose to greet cynicism with hope.

We are purposeful, passionate and pioneering.”


To donate funds through the Young Living Foundation       To learn more about Hope For Justice and their Mission