Howdy! My name is Barb Bolinger. I’m from Burleson, a little town just south of Fort Worth, Texas. Originally from Texas, I met my husband, Robby, in organic chemistry lab at Texas A&M University. WHOOP! We raised two kids who pay their own bills now (Can I get an AMEN?) and now live with and 3 rangy street-mutts and a salty cat named Darryl. (Catch their antics on Instagram!)
We strive daily to live well. For us, that means making healthy choices through nutrition, intentionally using non-toxic products in our home, exercising consistently, and tending to our spiritual growth. Young Living is a HUGE part of how we meet so many of these health goals. If I’m being honest, it also means occasionally slurping down some nachos and a margarita or two.
We are fiercely committed to Jesus, our family, friends, and our church. These relationships and connections are our WHY for healthy living. If you’re likes us and want to be as well as possible without sucking ALL the fun out of life then join Robby and I on this crazy-wonderful adventure! We support each other in this community to take all the small steps that add up to create an enjoyable and purposeful life that feels GREAT!
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