Hello! We are Josh & Janelle Irving, one half of the beating heart and passion behind Cypress & Spruce. Our tribe consist of 4 energetic and creative boys: Julian (12), Jude (10), Joch (6) and Jagger (4). Bringing up the rear is our wild & free spirited little girl, Juniper (2). We thought our boys were giving us a run for our money until she showed up! Tougher than all four of them combined and twice as busy. There is no doubt our children are our world, however, we still make "us" a priority. It is a choice to invest in a strong marriage and to cultivate love. A very worthwhile investment! After 14 years together, we are still kinda crazy about each other!
Making the time to travel and adventure as a family, while our children are still young and living at home, is very important to us. We want to make life long memories today! We asked ourselves why would we wait until life gets easier? Until we retire? Until money is of no object? There are no guarantees when it comes to the future and no promise of tomorrow. We want to live our lives to the fullest without regret!
What else do we want you to know about us? That we live a life of faith. God is the center of our family. That we eat way to much ice cream and crave tex-mex & sushi. That Young Living Essential Oils are kind of a big deal to us and a huge part of our lives. For more on that, watch (here). That we love a good margarita and a fire pit in the backyard. Listening to the rain fall, hiking on a cool / crisp day, holidays (ok, that's just Janelle). To sum it up, we are fueled by NingXia Red®, shots of espresso and prayer!
We aren't going to sugarcoat it; our life is chaotic and crazy. If you want to follow along and get a good laugh from time to time, you've found the right place. We are thrilled you are here! No doubt, watching our craziness will likely make you feel good about yourself ; )
Josh & Janelle
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