0 In Health & Wellness/ Young Living Essential Oils

Are Essential Oils Really Safe to Consume?

We're already almost two full months into 2019! Whether you feel this winter has flown by or overstayed its welcome, one thing is for certain: time does not stand still!

For most people, this is a time of looking ahead, of setting new goals, of finally—once and for all this time, I swear!—organizing our calendars, closets, and lives!

But for all our best intentions, winter also seems to have its own nefarious plans, as this is unfortunately the time of the year when colds and viruses may sneak up on you, deflate your ideals, and steal your momentum. You could be all set to knock out your first round of fresh initiatives when BAM! a cold or virus knocks you out for two weeks straight and puts you behind on everything. (Worse still is when a virus systematically weaves its way through your family one-by-one, in a seemingly inescapable cycle of sniffles, sickness, recovery, and relapse, as if every family member suffers the same fate.)

That’s why I keep essential oils around my house at ALL times, but especially through the colder months of November through March. To support a healthy immune system, I’ll apply oils like Thieves to the bottoms of my feet each morning and diffuse the beneficial goodness of Lemon and Tea Tree around my house.

I also love keeping oils in the kitchen to add rich flavor to meals and baked goods and for adding drops of peppermint and cinnamon bark to make my warm (highly caffeinated) beverages more powerful, while simultaneously supporting my health. But, while this all sounds motivating, you may be still wondering, “Are essential oils really safe to consume?” I had certainly asked the same question myself.

First off, the internal consumption of essential oils can have a massive range of benefits on your health and wellness. When used correctly, taking oils internally may provide more beneficial results than aromatic or topical usage. Of course, it depends on the goal you are hoping to achieve – you wouldn’t try to swallow lavender oil to soothe a bug bite itching on your arm! However, ingesting certain oils can be extremely helpful for supporting your digestion, immune, and endocrine systems.


Essential oils are commonly used in one of three ways: aromatically, topically, and internally. Here is a brief overview of each method:

AROMATIC: Smell the essential oil directly from the bottle or add a drop in your hand to inhale, or distribute the oil into the air by way of a diffuser

TOPICAL: Apply a drop essential oil on the back of the neck, bottoms of the feet, wrists, down the spine, or anywhere there is a need. You can apply the oil “neat”, or use a carrier oil for “hotter” oils

INTERNAL: Essential oils from Young Living’s Vitality line are specifically labeled for internal use, and approved by the FDA for internal consumption. You may add a drop or two of these oils into an empty veggie capsule and top off with a olive oil, use a drop under or on your tongue, add a drop to a glass or stainless steel beverage container, or take a drop with honey, agave or maple syrup. However you like it!


When you’re considering ingesting an essential oil, the quality of oils is CRUCIAL. Make sure you are using pure 100% essential oils that contain ZERO SYNTHETIC ingredients whatsoever. Most essential oils you find at pharmacies or on the grocery store shelf are NOT safe to consume, and most experts recommend avoiding these for anything other than aromatic use. These products are labeled “Not for Consumption” because while they may contain a fraction of an essential oil, they also may contain harmful synthetic ingredients as “fillers.”

Young Living essential oils are completely safe to consume by both independent study and by the FDA (for those oils on the Vitality line). Young Living’s Seed to Seal promise, ensures this quality, stating:

“Seed to Seal® is our quality commitment that helps ensure that with every pure essential oil and Young Living product your family uses, you’re enjoying the benefits of our global resources, industry leadership, and over two decades of innovation. The result? A pristine final product that you know has been created with conscientious Sourcing, Science, and Standards—the three pillars of Seed to Seal.”

Because of this, you can trust that there are never any synthetic ingredients or fillers in Young Living’s Essential Oils. As I said earlier, Young Living’s Vitality line is specifically labeled as such, to provide assurance that these are for internal consumption.


Even if you’re confident that the oil you want to consume is pure, there are still a couple of things to remember.

A little drop goes a long way. Young Living essential oils are extremely concentrated, as they contain zero additives and are not diluted or altered in any way. Start with a drop, and if that’s too much you can dip a toothpick into the oil and then swirl it into your other ingredients (if baking or cooking) or in your beverage. This is especially true with stronger “hot” flavors like oregano.

Don’t use essential oils in plastic containers. While not harmful to our bodies, essential oils can break down soft plastics because they are synthetic materials. For this reason, you’ll want to use metal straws and metal or glass containers when consuming or preparing recipes with oils. (Medical grade plastics are okay.)


So, now that you can be confident that Young Living essential oils are safe to consume, grab your favorite Vitality flavors and get ready to support your health as well as your goals!

Here are a few simple recipes and tips to help you get started consuming essential oils:

  1. Add one drop of Cinnamon Bark Vitality or Peppermint Vitality to your favorite coffee or tea for extra power in your caffeine-boost.
  2. Add one drop of Lemon Vitality, Grapefruit Vitality, or Lime Vitality to your water for a burst of flavor and energy. (These oils also help support weight management!)
  3. Substitute Thyme, Oregano or Basil Vitality oils in your next recipe that calls for these flavors.
  4. Make Thieves Tea to support your immune system this winter (and spring, summer, and fall!)
  5. Apply one drop of Peppermint Vitality to the roof of your mouth, which may relieve a headache and/or freshen your breath!

How do you like to enjoy the benefits of essential oils internally? Let us know in the comments! As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in our Facebook group or reach out to me directly!

Happy oiling!

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